Welcome! My name is

Amara Ouattara

and I am a student at Northeastern University.

Another of my photo should be here

About Me

Hello there! My name is Amara Ouattara and I am currently a Computer Science and Economics Student at Northeastern University in Boston, MA. I am an aspiring Software Engineer and I hope to gain experience in either front end, back end or full-stack development. I am proficient in Java and am working on learning the MERN Stack (React.js & React-Native), along with C, and SQL. I hope to learn more in the future and gain more knowledge on my journey as a Software Engineer! Thank you for visiting my page.
Contact Me at: ouattara.a2025@gmail.com


Proxi - Mobile Application

Proxi - Mobile Application

Premier League - API/React App

Premier League - API/React App

Personal Website

Personal Website

Photo Editor - Desktop Application

Photo Editor - Desktop Application


An interest of mine is playing basketball at a semi-competitive level. Throughout my college experience I have played on the Northeastern University Club Basketball Team. My club team plays in an organized league called the NCBBA (National Club BasketBall Association) where we coordinate and play games against club programs from other schools. At the end of the season we ranked #3 in the nation and it was a great experience. I had the opportunity to play collegiate basketball but instead chose to go to Northeastern for the Co-op program and education and this ahs been a great way to still play organized basketball against great competition! I really enjoy basketball and it is a major stress reliever.

Another of my photo should be here